NATURES Festival ’21
Next edition of NATURES will take place in September and October 2021
Creation residencies and performace in the rural area
Have a look at the terms and condition at www.festivalnatures.com
OPEN till May 28th !
We are very happy to continue with NATURES ! We look forward to receiving your projects !!!
Natures is a festival that revolves around artistic proposals that dialogue with Nature, and specifically with the rural landscape of l’Alzina de l’Aguda, in La Noguera (Lleida).
We intend to create stimulating meetings between Art and Nature. A meeting space between artistic disciplines, primarly Dance and Plastic Arts.
A space where to re-think and feel Art through Nature, and where to listen to Nature through Art.
When we talk about Art in Nature or Art and Landscape, Land Art or Land Dance, we refer to the artistic forms that are produced in Nature, with Nature or from Nature. Then, we talk about artistic proposals in relation to the territory, a landscape or a specific environment.
NATURES arises from the need to deepen the relationship between the human being and the natural environment, to become aware of our relationship with Nature and to do so through artistic proposals.
NATURES is to listen to Nature, to create with it and learn from her and in her. In this second edition, we aim to consolidate the format of the festival, adding more interventions – Dance performances and performance actions, and also reaching more audiences. We want to create a poetics of the earth by Dialoging, Inhabiting, Integrating, Merging and Interacting with her through the languages of Dance and Plastic Arts.
– Andy Goldsworthy, Land Art artist –
Residence Workshop. Dance in Nature, with Olga Tragant – October 10th, 11th & 12th 2020 –
Projects selected for Creation Residences in the rural area
In 2005, the artist Jaume Amigó and the dancer / choreographer Olga Tragant arrived to the rural area of l’Alzina de l’Aguda (la Noguera, Lleida) with the aim to restore the ships of some old disused farms and turn them into spaces for artistic creation, thus starting the tragantCamp project.
Since then, we have organized different Dance and Nature workshops in l’Alzina de l’Aguda and in other locations, such as Poland or the Catalan Pyrenees, with the aim to promote the dialogue with Nature and the natural environment, through artistic interventions. From these proposals comes the will to start a festival that allows us to continue nurturing this interest.
Last year we decided to launch the first edition of the NATURES Festival, held in June 2019. This first experience arose from the belief that it is important to give value to the territory and Nature. Furthermore, to do so through different artistic languages, giving priority to the artistic disciplines that we feel closest to: Dance, mainly, and the Plastic Arts.
The Festival contributes to revitalize a territory where artistic proposals and Art in general are not usually that present, benefiting the local population as well as those who come from the city. We want NATURES to help us get closer to Nature, to ourselves, and also to strenght the relationship between various groups / ensembles, publics and people.
The first edition of NATURES had a very positive reception and, with this first experience, for the second edition we intend to consolidate the format of the festival, adding more interventions – Dance performances and performative actions, and reaching more audiences. We want to cultivate a look at Nature from Art and perceive the Art found in Nature.
More information about tragantCamp
3 dates in 3 moments in September / October:
– provisional dates –
from September 25th to 30th
Sunday October 4th
Spend the day at tragantCamp!
– Talk on Landscape and Art
– Workshop on Land Art – Landscape, body and borders
– Performances – Intervencions in the Landscape
– Popular meal between artists, facilitators and public
– Gig and closure
October 10th, 11th & 12th
Dance in Nature
1. CREATION RESIDENCES in the rural area
At tragantDansa [educació i creació en moviment] we have opened the Creation Residences program at tragantCamp for the second year, with the aim of giving support to the development and presentation of Dance – Movement proposals that integrate, relate and dialogue with the rural landscape of l’Alzina de l’Aguda (La Noguera, Lleida).
The Creation Residences program is aimed at professional creators and includes the realization of 7 projects in residence and their exhibition in the Itinerant Tour that will take place on Sunday, October 4th, within the programming of the second edition of the NATURES Festival.
The pieces to be presented will be the result of exploration and creation in the territory of tragantCamp, where the artists will have access to accommodation, kitchen and dining room, Movement – Dance room and other spaces. We seek that the artists participating in NATURES coincide in tragantCamp doing the Residency, seeking to create fertile moments of exchange between the different participants and thus facilitate possible ties and collaborations.
These are the artists / projects selected for NATURES’20:
EMMA RIBA i DAVID FONT / Dels gestos perduts i els sons oblidats (dance)
JAUME AMIGÓ / El món a l’inrevés (plastic arts)
MARCOS NACAR i MATILDE BASSETTI / Tierra trazada (dance)
ORIOL TEXIDOR / Inmersió (plastic arts)
QUIM VILAGRAN / Górecki (dance)
SARA PONS / Win-Do-W (dance)
VÍCTOR MATA / Formes (plastic arts)
+ More information about the artists / projects selected
Spend the day at tragantCamp!
The Festival’s major proposal is the NATURES’20 Main Day, with the presence and participation of the public. This will take place on Sunday, October 4th, with an attractive program of activities with a variety of proposals, all in relation to the natural environment, to come and enjoy the whole day at tragantDansa.
From a triple artistic, educational and informative perspective, the NATURES Main Day with the public will include a talk and workshop on Art and Landscape, led by Víctor Mata, as well as the highlight of the Festival, the Itinerant Tour to see the artistic proposals in the rural area. NATURES will also have relaxed moments of encounter between artists and the public, such as a popular meal or the closing concert of the Festival, which will give rise to exchanging impressions on what has been seen and felt during the itinerant Tour and the other activities of the working day.
– TALK Landscape, body, borders
led by Victor Mata
date: Sunday October 4th, NATURES day with public
aimed at: workshop open to all kinds of experiences and ages
In this talk, Víctor Mata will address the relationship between Art and Landscape from a double perspective: from his experience as an artist and from his knowledge as an art historian.
The talk will highlight the importance of preserving the rural landscapes that configure our physical environment, as well as our emotional and identity universe. From his experience as a creator of works in Nature (Land Art), he will illustrate us with some of his creations, exemplifying how art can heritage, reconstruct and artificialize landscapes and specifically dry stone landscapes, most of them forgotten and obsolete.

– WORKSHOP Landscape, body, borders
led by Victor Mata
date: Sunday October 4th, NATURES day with public
aimed at: workshop open to all kinds of experiences and ages
Participants will approach the LandArt and LanDance disciplines from practice, inviting them to create from natural elements found in the tragantCamp environment. The workshop will be led by Victor Mata, a specialist in LandArt or Landscape Art, who will teach us how to work stone, a very abundant material in the area.
in the rural area / Itinerant tour
date: Sunday October 4th, NATURES day with public
The highlight of NATURES’ main day, on Sunday October 4th 2020, will be the itinerant tour where we can see the 7 artistic proposals that will intervene the environment of l’Alzina de l’Aguda from the languages of Dance, Performance and Plastic Arts.
The proposals presented will be close to LanDance and LandArt, created during the Creation Residences program and made specifically in the landscape near tragantCamp. They will be site-specific artistic interventions, created for the specific environment and space that each artist will choose around the village of l’Alzina de l’Aguda.
The walk will start in tragantCamp with a general presentation of the tour. Afterwards, we will continue with the performances, which will also be briefly presented by the artists. The tour will end at the starting point, in tragantCamp, where a concert will take place and we can recover from the walk with a drink, fruit and something to eat, while we comment and share feelings about the works we have just seen.
These are the artists / projects selected for NATURES’20:
EMMA RIBA i DAVID FONT with the dance project Dels gestos perduts i els sons oblidats, JAUME AMIGÓ with the plastic arts project El món a l’inrevés, MARCOS NACAR i MATILDE BASSETTI with the dance project Tierra trazada, ORIOL TEXIDOR with the plastic arts project Inmersió, QUIM VILAGRAN with the dance project Górecki, SARA PONS with the dance project Win-Do-W and VÍCTOR MATA with the plastic arts project Formes.
+ More information about the artists / projects selected
Cultivating listening and creativity
with Olga Tragant
date: October 10th, 11th and 12th
Fusion, dialogue and exchange with the natural environment.
In this residence workshop we will focus on elements of the natural environment as generators of the exploration and improvisation of the body and movement. We will start from elements such as: trees, wind, stones, earth, leaves, etc. We will tune our senses and we will delve into the sensations, the imaginary and the physicality of the body.
What do the contact and dialogue with the elements of the natural environment make us feel? How do they motivate our expression and creation? How do they tell us about the environment and its elements?
We will work on exercises that facilitate a body-mental state in order to enter into a listening and perception state, in an available and uninhibited place that allows us to move from contemplation to action and to the development of action.
We will soon publish more information on how to participate in NATURES’20!
(registration methods, prices, etc.)
For questions about the Festival and any of its activities, you can contact us at info@tragantdansa.com
Summary video of NATURES’19, last edition